
‘’A good holiday is one spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours’’


The CV-715 road pierces its way through a Marina Baixa landscape filled with fertile valleys and towering peaks. Along this road, a few kilometres past the market town of Callosa d’en Sarrià, you will turn a corner, drive pencil straight for 500m, and arrive at the idyllic village of Bolulla.

Located in a valley, at the foot of a vertiginous ascent up to the mountain-top village of Tàrbena, Bolulla is a place where nothing much seems to happen, nevertheless, you’re mighty glad you found it. Peace, tranquillity and a nostalgic step back into mid-twentieth century Spain are all wrapped up and presented to the visitor as if a postcard from an altogether different era.

Pretty village of Bolulla, Spain

Speaking of eras the one local hostelry in the village, Bar l’Era, is a pleasurable stop for coffee and a slice of their renowned custard cake.

Just across the road from the village, you have Ruta del Agua de Bolulla, an easy walking route that takes you to the Fonts del Xorros and then on to the ruins of an old flour mill. In the summertime, it’s a good idea to pack your swimming gear – the water is take-your-breath-away cold but a perfect antidote to a blazing Spanish sun.

For sure, one week in Bolulla can help lift the spirit. For some, that is nowhere near long enough; and for that reason, you may encounter many a Brit who have made Bolulla their permanent home.

Swimming in Bolulla Fonts.

Bolulla Highlights