
‘’Almond blossom, sent to teach us That the spring days soon will reach us’’

Edwin Arnold

When the tourist buses roll into nearby Guadalest and the streets begin to fill with the heaving masses, here’s an idea. Head for Benimantell, only two minutes away; it could quite easily be two hours. And if you’re deciding to holiday in the majestic Guadalest Valley, there’s probably no better place to have as your base.

Like almost anywhere in this little spot on the Marina Baixa map, the outdoor world reigns supreme. The roads are busy with cyclists – the long and winding route up to Confrides, closing in on 1000 metres of altitude, is a special climb. Alternatively, slip into your walking boots and enjoy some stellar hiking trails such as Penya Roc and Barranc de l’Arc.

Benimantell Signpost.

Equally, Benimantell is also something of a culinary destination with several outstanding restaurants and an annual gastronomy festival which takes place in November to celebrate the region’s most famous local dish, Olleta de Blat; a wheat grain-based stew that is just the thing if arriving here in the cooler months.

Bar Caravina won’t be winning any beauty contests but don’t be shy, poke your head through the door, the staff are friendly and happy to see you. Order something cold and refreshing or a pick-me-up blast of caffeine and continue to make your way through to the outdoor balcony terrace. Nice views. Nice place.

Insider tip: Plan your visit in January and February to witness the pink and white almond blossom in full bloom. Just when you thought the area couldn’t possibly get any more beautiful. It just did!

Olleta de Blat

Benimantell Highlights